Celia Tedde Headshot

Celia Tedde

Based in New York

She/They • Member Since 2021

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My Story

I am a Jewish and Queer actor, musician, and educator based in NYC! I am passionate about new works and teaching a new generation of singers to love their unique voices. Founder of CT Voice Studio and graduate of Reneé Yoxon's Trans Voice Alteration course, Amanda Flynn's Vocal Pedagogy Foundations program, and Oklahoma City University's Bass School of Music where I studied Music Theater and Vocal Performance.

Sexual Orientation
iSexual orientation describes a person's enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to another person.


iRacial identity is the qualitative meaning one ascribes to one’s racial group, whereas ethnic identity is a concept that refers to one’s sense of self as a member of an ethnic group. At their core, both constructs reflect an individual’s sense of self as a member of a group; however, racial identity integrates the impact of race and related factors, while ethnic identity is focused on ethnic and cultural factors. We celebrate our Keys’ intersectionality and understand that creating one’s racial/ethnic identity is a fluid and nonlinear process that varies for every person. Many folks will identify with more than one background while others will identify with a single group more broadly.



Actor & Voice Teacher

Vocal Range


Dance Experience


Unions & Affiliations

EMC, Non-union

